In 2019 Bernd Oliver Fröhlich was asked to assemble a vocal ensemble of the highest level for a production in Berlin. He took the opportunity to realise a plan that he had been formulating eagerly for a long time: the founding of L’ultima parola.
The ensemble is dedicated to exploring the perfect balance between music and poetry. Impeccable pronunciation and understanding of language are just as important as the beauty of sound and intonation.


The group’s collaboration is based on their shared musical experience performing with top international ensembles of early music for many years. In various line-ups the members of L’ultima parola have sung several hundred concerts together.
The Berlin performance of Ockeghem’s ‚Missa Prolationum‘ was a big success. As a consequence the ensemble was invited to perform at the Laus Polyphoniae festival in Antwerp. The concert will take place in the summer of 2022.
As is prevalent in many forms of collaborative chamber music the ensemble performs without a conductor. A tactus is established through a mutual understanding of breathing together, an elaborate, collective understanding of the music, as well as spontaneously reacting to each other.
Recordings of other works of the early renaissance are planned.
Tempus Fugit
Only a few people know today that Johannes Ockeghem is as important for the whole of Renaissance music as Leonardo and Michelangelo are for their arts, and that one can compare his importance only with that of Bach or Beethoven.
In his music strict, thoroughgoing mathematical order is almost paradoxically fused together with total freedom. This is the unique experience in the Missa Prolationum. (…)
Clemens Goldberg
Josquin Desprez
Josquin Desprez, one of the most outstanding musicians of the renaissance, died 500 years ago. To honor him L’ultima parola is presenting a program of his finest four part music. As a counterpoint the ensemble will premiere a new piece by Austrian composer Thomas Daniel Schlee, comissioned by the festival musica sacra.

Contact & Imprint
Bernd Oliver Fröhlich
Hirschengasse 6
1060 Wien
Tel: 0043 1 9200822
UID-Nr.: ATU 60782549
Unternehmensgegenstand: Künstler
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen:
Sebastian Hanig
Bernd Oliver Fröhlich
Technische Umsetzung:
Scalar - Hanig KG
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